- Release side: BO
- Release date: 2023/September/18
- Release time: (2:00 PM)
- Release participants:
- Product manager: Saeed Felegari
- Technical team lead: Kamyab Khodayari
- BED chapter lead: Kamyab Khodayari
- BED: Mohamad Alinezhad
- Web Lead: Masoud Vaziri
- Web Developer: Armin Amrollahian
- QA: Rozhin Khosravi Reza Gharavi
@Release note:
1- No. 8: There are some blank elements for title and description section and H1, FAQ and intro text does not exist.2- No 11 is working only on production.3- No 9:New Feature
Component (BED/FED)
Should test by
Tested by (QA)
Confirmed by (Tech/Prod)
Employee Login for employee userPage
Jira server Jira serverId 6aaa37d8-ac49-38f1-ada3-ee83f2cccf6f key PKD-426435 Back-end and Front-end Reza Ansari Reza Ansari 2
B2B User Verification and Token Creation
Jira server Jira serverId 6aaa37d8-ac49-38f1-ada3-ee83f2cccf6f key PKD-431 Back-end Reza Ansari 4
Show "Free" on Price for B2B Users
Jira server Jira serverId 6aaa37d8-ac49-38f1-ada3-ee83f2cccf6f key PKD-485 Back-end and Front-end Reza Ansari 5
Summary Page for B2B users
Jira server Jira serverId 6aaa37d8-ac49-38f1-ada3-ee83f2cccf6f key PKD-499 Back-end & Front-end Reza Ansari Reza Ansari 6
Develop a Dynamic Homepage for B2B Users
Jira server Jira serverId 6aaa37d8-ac49-38f1-ada3-ee83f2cccf6f key PKD-476 Back-end Reza Ansari 7
Accessing Features as a B2B User
Jira server Jira serverId 6aaa37d8-ac49-38f1-ada3-ee83f2cccf6f key PKD-480 Front-end Reza Ansari Reza Ansari 8
Instant Call for B2B Users
Jira server Jira serverId 6aaa37d8-ac49-38f1-ada3-ee83f2cccf6f key PKD-534 Back-end and Front-end
Invoice for B2B Users
Jira server Jira serverId 6aaa37d8-ac49-38f1-ada3-ee83f2cccf6f key BO-912 Back-end
Rozhin Khosravi Some specialty pages does not have proper description and front raises client-server error.4- No 2: based on discussion with Saeed Felegari , it is ok that we have one package for this sprint and in future we will have multi packages display(
)5- No1: Package info box percent has been calculated based on video calls but in the information section has been calculated based on totals.6- No 5: In the last page, go to next page should be disable.Jira server Jira serverId 6aaa37d8-ac49-38f1-ada3-ee83f2cccf6f key B2BD-143
Release Permission:
Is Confirmed?
Product Lead
Senior Tech Lead
CR Not- Completed By: