Twilio Issues :

Order ID : 11244

Doctor and Patient have Connection Error :

Doctor cannot connect to twilio.

Doctor just try one time for that .

Patient try many times with web and ios APP .

based on Twilio Logs , both users have connection error .

Order ID : 11243

I think on this Order we dont have any issues ,

Doctor join to session at time but patient join after 5 minutes .

Order ID : 11231

on this order , both user can not join to session , and after reconnecting they got duplicate user error ( one user want join meeting with twice at the same time )

Order ID : 11227

on this order , patient and doctor can not connect to Twilio  :

In the photo below, it is clear that the doctor has timed out due to a communication problem :

Order ID : 11214

On this order we don't have error :

user join meeting by 13 minutes delay and after that user has no any connection time out or packet loss :

The doctor was in the meeting for an hour, but in the first 20 minutes, he had a high packet loss rate :

Order ID : 11225

On this order  doctor has no any any packet loss or other issue   :

patient has no error and packet loss :

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