Issue Reported by : Daniel, Ops team
- user pay for a session
- payment summary will show as success
- order detail will show to user
- doctor time-slot will show as reserve
- meeting and order is not available on BO
User Flow
While user want to book a session or buy an instance call, he should pay if he does not 100% voucher. while paying user should add bank card in our application. after user put require details , doki will share the details with stripe, then we are going to wait for stripe response. we expect stripe will show us final status, but some times it happens that stripe will not send payment status to us. so in these cases we create an hook for stripe to whenever payment flow finished , stripe will call our hook API and then we can update the payment status for user.
Some cases will happen while stripe try to sending status, payment real status was not success (it is shown as un-captured or waiting to capture). in this cases below json will shared as result with doki from stripe :
Status code : 200
"data":{"meeting_id":0,"order_id":10932,"payment_intent_id":"","payment_status":"failed","currency":"eur","before_discount_amount":"12.00","amount":"12.00","created_at":0,"meeting_timestamp":1700041660,"meeting_duration":15,"bundle_session_count":0,"service_type":"Call Now","doctor_name":""},"is_success":true}
as it is showed on response details , is success field is true and also status code is 200 (which is mean success), but payment_status is failed.
for showing payment summary and other stuffs we checked payment_status and status code. As this condition happen in very specific situations, we thought everything is good, but as we found from this incident we should see the other status which show us as fail. This Issue happened because of lack of info in stripe docs. Will fix this issue in next releases.
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